
湖南疾控提醒:3月15日前,入湘旅客需持48小时 核酸阴性证明


In the past week, the number of daily newly-confirmed COVID-19 cases has exceeded 800,000 for many times,which is close to the peak since the outbreak.Omicron has becomethe dominant variantin some countries,causing an increasingpressure of curbingthe spread into the jurisdictions.Although the overall situation in China remains relatively stable,the confirmed cases arehighly concentrated in someareasandsporadicthroughout the country.


With considerablepopulation movementsin the NewYear’sDayandtheupcomingSpring Festivalandthe high incidence of respiratory infectious diseases in winter and spring, the risk ofCOVID-19spreadwill continue toexist.Hereby,Hunan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Preventionissuesthereminder on thepandemicprevention and control of travelduring theholidays.


1. Those who work at high-risk positionsshouldavoid travel.Personnel at high-risk positionsinport of entry, locations of quarantine, designated hospitals and cold chain related enterprises are more likely to be exposed to infected persons, virus contaminated articles and environment during work. If the protection is not in place, the risk of infection can be quite high. Therefore, it is recommended that such group of peopleshouldtry to avoid travel. If it is a must,you haveto leave the post for more than 14 days and hold a proof ofnegative COVID-19 nucleic acid test within 48 hours, and report to the organization one works for.Youshould also avoid unnecessary outdoor activities and any gathering after returning to Hunan.


2. Travel with caution.Any travel should be avoided if it is not necessary. For those who travel, it is recommended to learn the latest pandemic prevention and control protocols of the place of departure and destination, and to inquire in advance the policies of opening and ticket reservation in scenic spots so as to properly arrange the route and time of travel. Also,youshould try to avoid popular scenic spots and peak hours, as well as medium and high-risk areas or provinces with confirmed cases. Those who travel to land border citiesshould takenucleic acid testsat least once upon arrival.


3. Voluntarily report personal travel history.Those whoenterHunan with a travel or living history in the county (city, district, banner) with mediumandhigh-risk areas in 14 days, or those whose Health Code is yellow or red after having overlapped activities with reported cases must immediately inform your community (village), the organization you work for or the hotel you stay in. Please observe health care protocols and cooperate with local officials on prevention measures.For anyconcealment or false report ofyourpersonal itinerary and health status, you will be legally accountable for theserious consequencescausedaccording tothelaw.


4. Health management of those coming (back) to Hunan.Health Code and Travel History Code must be checked when entering Hunan from other provinces. Differentiated management measures will be taken based on the risk level of where you come, such as quarantine at designated places, home quarantine, home healthobservation, self-health monitoring and nucleic acid tests. Travelers coming (back) to Hunan from provinces with confirmed cases (including asymptomatic infections) should bring along the proof of a negative nucleic acid test result within 48 hours, and get another nucleic acid test within 24 hours afterthearrival, and conduct self-health monitoring for 14 days. Before March 15, 2022, travelers coming (back) to Hunan from provinces with no local cases (or asymptomatic infections) should also bring along a negative proof within 48 hours.


5. Try to reduce and scale down gatherings.Unnecessary partiesand gatheringsshouldbe avoided.Pleasevoluntarilyreduce activities such as visiting relatives and friends and group dinner. For necessary reasons, the party should be limited to no more than 10 people. Visits to cinemas, KTVs, bars, Internet cafes, arcades, chess and card rooms and other indoor gathering places should also be avoided. Pleasevoluntarilyavoid crowded places especially during New Year’s Eve and Spring Festival holidays. Incrowdedplaces,pleaseadopt self-protection measures, avoid the crowd, keep a social distance of more than one meter and reduce the time of stay. During theNew Year’s Dayand Spring Festival, activities such as temple fairs, large-scale art performances, exhibitions and sales promotions should be kept under strict control, and large-scale gathering activitiesshouldbe avoided. It is advocated that weddingsshouldbe postponed, funeralsshouldbe simple, and partiesshouldbe canceled. The scale of activities should be reduced as much as possible. In principle, activities with more than 50 people should not be held. Individuals who hold more than 5 tables of dinner must report to the local neighborhood committee or village committee andfollowthe pandemic prevention and control requirements.


6. Keep good personal hygiene.Keepin mind that you take the primary responsibilityfor your own well-being. Increase the awareness of personal hygiene and abide by the protocols of pandemic prevention and control.Maintain good habits for health such as wearing masks, washing hands regularly,reducing gatherings,and keeping at least 1-meter social distance.Avoid the crowd, reduce touching public facilities, and do not touchthemouth, nose and eyes. Cover withanelbow or tissue when coughing or sneezing and do not spit.Seek medical treatment at a nearby fever clinicinmedical institutionsimmediatelywhen symptoms such as fever, cough, diarrheaandfatigue occur. Tell the medical staff truthfully your history of traveling, activities, and contacts. Avoid taking public transportation when seeking treatment.


7. Get vaccinated in time.Vaccination is considered the most economical and effective prevention way against COVID-19. It is also the right and obligation of every citizen. Those who are not vaccinated, or not fully vaccinated, or eligible for the booster shot are requested to take the initiative to get vaccinated so as to build a nationwide immune wall.


translated by Foreign Affairs Office of Hunan Province






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